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Shada TV

Shada TV ( قناة شدا الحرية ) is a round the clock news and religious programming channel broadcasting live from Amman. The current affairs program, Islamic education, and a wider Muslim perspective on media is the vision and voice aired by the television. Shada TV is basically a religious channel but now at the most turbulent times in Middle East duly broadcasts the news and current affairs transmissions from the Amman Governorate. The Shada TV ( قناة شدا الحرية ) is accused of pro-Sunni and anti-Shia narrative in the region. The website of the Shada is filled with the latest news, war stories, the unrest and war between rebel groups, rebels and governments in Yemen, Syria and Libya. Various news sections with podcasts and much are complementing the website: http://shadatv.tv. The live news ticker and social media handles for facebook, twitter and Youtube are also available for the visitors and followers.

Watch Shada TV Amman Live Streaming Online

Watch Shada TV ( قناة شدا الحرية ) live form Amman Jordan. Wait as the stream loads.



كلام سليم أفكار من قلب الحصار التاريخ الاسود زهرة من حديقة النبوة – مع فضيلة الشيخ أبو البراء
أوراق صحفية أمتنا واحدة رباط القلوب – مع فضيلة الدكتور شاكر أبو حطب سوريا اليوم