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Bernie Sanders reflects on another failed bid for presidency

Bernie Sanders contested for Democratic Presidential nomination in 2020 hoping to win it but Vermont senator had no illusions about the difficulty of the task. Now as he has resigned from the race, the Senator has stepped aside and is reflecting on his second failed bid for WH. The septuagenarian remains proud of his accomplishments but still believes that working class Americans have a much bigger role in the political system and a lot of work would be required to bring them to it in order to implement the progressive reforms.

“It is hard,” Sanders said in an interview with CNN. “But we knew what we were doing, and nothing that happened really shocked me.”

“I think what we saw from Nevada on out was a cry the rooftops, from the political establishment, from the media that they wanted anybody but Bernie,” the Vermont senator said. “My God, I don’t know how many articles there were about that. “We need anybody but Bernie” and you know they ended up succeeding. And that’s that.”

The Presidential runner survived a longer race four years ago and had fewer delegates this year than he had in his last race. However, he emerged as a front-runner this time around, quickly bounced back after some early setbacks and had more fundraising tank than his rivals. Sanders was also successful in winning key endorsements from other progressive leaders. When he bagged the popular vote in three of the first four primary contests, the nomination seemed just a step away but his and his voters’ hopes dashed to ground after Joe Biden won South Carolina.

The former VP’s triumph in South Carolina rejuvenated the establishment’s hard rock response to Sanders who felt helpless when moderate candidates dropped out to endorse Biden who would then register sweeping victories in the repositioning of voters. The Vermont Senator was not ready to take on the streamlined establishment. The big turnout and strong backing from the younger voter didn’t help him fend off the adversaries and their impact was not weighing in as per expectations.

While his supporters were confident of weathering a storm after his victory in Nevada, Sanders himself knew the depth of the waters he was in.

Many in Bernie’s camp believe the Senator should have been more aggressive during and after the end of his campaign for White House but Sanders knew that any such move will not come without affecting the personal relationship between the fellow senators.

“I think probably, what you are going to find for the next five years in half of America was intimately involved in my campaign,” Sanders joked. “Look, there are differences in tactics, but I don’t think it was the tactics ended up helping us lose.”

Since folding his bid a week ago, Sanders has opted to stand behind Biden and has urged his passionate voters to rally behind him in the endorsement of former VP.

“Joe and I have our disagreements for sue. Joe is a decent guy and I think he is more than willing now to sit down, and we will listen to those people that supported him in the past, hear what they have to say and tried to address their concerns,” said Sanders.

He is insistent that Biden will have to do some work to win the progressive votes but hopes that by November given the limited choices the progressive voters will turn around for the Democrats to take on Trump.

“I think most people will wake up in the morning and say, ‘ OK, what will role will I play now? Is it acceptable for me to sit on my hands and allow the possibilities? Do I allow the more dangerous president in modern American history to get reelected or do I do everything that I can to defeat Trump while at the same time try to move the Biden campaign and his administration into his progressive position as possible?'” Sanders said. “And I think the overwhelming majority of the American people will conclude yes.”