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US Military Plane Crashes in Afghanistan

Investigators are looking into the facts to determine what caused the crash of US military aircraft in Afghanistan’s Ghazni province on Monday, a spokesperson for US Forces in Afghanistan said, while confirming that there is no indication the plane came under the fire of Taliban before going down.

“A U.S. Bombardier E-11A crashed today in Ghazni province, Afghanistan. While the cause of crash is under investigation, there are no indications the crash was caused by enemy fire. We will provide additional information as it becomes available,” Col. Sonny Leggett tweeted.

US Military Plane Crashes in Afghanistan

“Taliban claims that additional aircraft have crashed are false,” he continued. The official couldn’t not provide any further details on the incident. Multiple stories had surfaced about the plane crash in the Ghazni region – lying in the southwest of the capital city of Kabul – overwhelmingly under the control of Talibans. Mark Esper, United States Secretary of Defense on Monday said that he is aware of the situation but has no further details at this time and assured that the Pentagon will brief the media as the reports come.

The E-11A links troops in the field to headquarters and has been remembered as “Wifi in the sky’ by pilots and crew.

The plane operates as part of the Air Force’s Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) and was developed and employed to counter the communication shortfalls during Operation Red Wings, a joint US military mission in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, in 2005 according to a press release that surfaced in 2018.

US Military Plane Crashes in Ghazni

“Due to Afghanistan’s mountainous terrain and lack of existing communication infrastructure, serious communication challenges prevented the four-man SEAL patrol from effectively establishing contact with their combat operations center, leaving them vulnerable to the attacks that claimed the lives of 19 special operations forces service members,” the report said.

Around 12,000 to 13,000 US troops are currently staying in Afghanistan for the training and assistance of the Afghan forces. US-Afghan war that proved to be the longest war in the history of the country has concluded in the deaths of more than 2,400 deaths of US Servicemen and troops, with the last year concluding in 23 deaths.